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Акция vol.5. Наше будущее.

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В акции вам дается персонаж с характером и примерной внешностью. Ваша задача - написать пост и, по желанию, несколько фактов из биографии.

1. Копируете код.
2. Создаете новую тему в разделе анкетирования.
3. Заполняете нужные поля.
4. Ждете принятия и играете!



1. Имя

2. Возраст
7 месяцев

3. Вид

4. Альянс

7. Внешность

8. Характер
Любит придумывать разные игры, шалун и непоседа, но вполне миролюбив. На прогулке за ним нужен глаз да глаз - шустрый, как ртуть, он моментально пропадает из поля зрения мамы и так же незаметно появляется. С ним легко и весело, но только не нянечкам и воспитателям, которым он доставляет много хлопот. Он быстро схватывает материал, легко запоминает его. У него много друзей и знакомых. Учителя его чуть-чуть побаиваются: у него наблюдательный глаз и острый язык, он подмечает недостатки учителей и смешно их копирует. Честолюбив, у друзей вызывает доверие. Обладает яркой индивидуальностью, талантом. У него приятная внешность. Ракун никогда не выходит из себя, обладает прекрасными деловыми качествами.
Целеустремленный, старается все, что задумал, воплотить в жизнь. Думает, прежде чем что-то сделать или сказать. Никогда и никому не доверяет, все хранит в себе. В незнакомом обществе он уже через несколько минут со многими на "ты". Такое впечатление, что его все знают и все любят, и нет, кажется, такой двери, в которую он не был бы вхож. В присутствии дам он весел и предупредителен, кстати расскажет смешную историю, найдет для каждой самки комплимент. Ему может быстро наскучить мужское общество, женское - никогда. Не ревнив. Его избраннице подружки завидуют, однако жизнь с Ракуном складывается труднее, чем можно было бы предположить, и причиной тому - та же чрезмерная общительность. Добродушно относится к старикам. К детям относится поверхностно, любит их, но воспитание их считает не мужским делом.

9. Связь с вами

10. Реклама

11. Пробный пост.
Наказание за шалость. Вы и ваш друг напортачили, испортив охоту, вас отчитывает пожилая и уважаемая львица, а ваш приятель всю вину сваливает на вас.

[b]1. Имя[/b]

[b]2. Возраст[/b]
7 месяцев

[b]3. Вид[/b]

[b]4. Альянс[/b]

[b]7. Внешность[/b]

[b]8. Характер[/b]
Любит придумывать разные игры, шалун и непоседа, но вполне миролюбив. На прогулке за ним нужен глаз да глаз - шустрый, как ртуть, он моментально пропадает из поля зрения мамы и так же незаметно появляется. С ним легко и весело, но только не нянечкам и воспитателям, которым он доставляет много хлопот. Он быстро схватывает материал, легко запоминает его. У него много друзей и знакомых. Учителя его чуть-чуть побаиваются: у него наблюдательный глаз и острый язык, он подмечает недостатки учителей и смешно их копирует. Честолюбив, у друзей вызывает доверие. Обладает яркой индивидуальностью, талантом. У него приятная внешность. Ракун никогда не выходит из себя, обладает прекрасными деловыми качествами.
Целеустремленный, старается все, что задумал, воплотить в жизнь. Думает, прежде чем что-то сделать или сказать. Никогда и никому не доверяет, все хранит в себе. В незнакомом обществе он уже через несколько минут со многими на "ты". Такое впечатление, что его все знают и все любят, и нет, кажется, такой двери, в которую он не был бы вхож. В присутствии дам он весел и предупредителен, кстати расскажет смешную историю, найдет для каждой самки комплимент. Ему может быстро наскучить мужское общество, женское - никогда. Не ревнив. Его избраннице подружки завидуют, однако жизнь с Ракуном складывается труднее, чем можно было бы предположить, и причиной тому - та же чрезмерная общительность. Добродушно относится к старикам. К детям относится поверхностно, любит их, но воспитание их считает не мужским делом. 

[b]9. Связь с вами[/b]

[b]10. Реклама[/b]

[b]11. Пробный пост.[/b]
[i]Тема: [/i]
Наказание за шалость. Вы и ваш друг напортачили, испортив охоту, вас отчитывает пожилая и уважаемая львица, а ваш приятель всю вину сваливает на вас.



1. Имя

2. Возраст
7 месяцев

3. Вид

4. Альянс

7. Внешность

8. Характер
Анжей очень самоуверенный и независимый, не наделен чувством такта. Гордый – не любит признавать свои ошибки, но от природы наделен чувством справедливости. Имея прекрасную образную память и аналитический склад ума, не только прекрасно анализирует детали, но и видит любую проблему в целом. Склонен к авантюризму, прекрасный игрок, с легкостью переносит любые неудачи и поражения. Благодаря богатой внутренней жизни, Анжей производит на окружающих хорошее впечатление, он очень общителен, не любит быть в одиночестве. Очень рано созревает сексуально, потому его родителям необходимо своевременно подготовить его к реальной жизни, во избежании непоправимых ошибок. Львенок любит поспорить, но вывести из себя его довольно трудно, однако если это все же кому-то удастся, то лучше в этот момент от него держаться подальше. Старается быть сдержанным и не выдавать своих переживаний, но он очень нуждается в любви и понимании. Он обладает даром красноречия и прекрасно развитой интуицией. Не отличается активностью, но ему во всем сопутствует удача. Часто обращается за помощью к друзьям, но и сам стремится при возможности помочь им.

9. Связь с вами

10. Реклама

11. Пробный пост.
В вашу первую охоту бесцеремонно вмешивается другой львенок, старше и сильнее, отбирает добычу. Ваша реакция.

[b]1. Имя[/b]

[b]2. Возраст[/b]
7 месяцев

[b]3. Вид[/b]

[b]4. Альянс[/b]

[b]7. Внешность[/b]

[b]8. Характер[/b]
Анжей очень самоуверенный и независимый, не наделен чувством такта. Гордый – не любит признавать свои ошибки, но от природы наделен чувством справедливости. Имея прекрасную образную память и аналитический склад ума, не только прекрасно анализирует детали, но и видит любую проблему в целом. Склонен к авантюризму, прекрасный игрок, с легкостью переносит любые неудачи и поражения. Благодаря богатой внутренней жизни, Анжей производит на окружающих хорошее впечатление, он очень общителен, не любит быть в одиночестве. Очень рано созревает сексуально, потому его родителям необходимо своевременно подготовить его к реальной жизни, во избежании непоправимых ошибок. Львенок любит поспорить, но вывести из себя его довольно трудно, однако если это все же кому-то удастся, то лучше в этот момент от него держаться подальше. Старается быть сдержанным и не выдавать своих переживаний, но он очень нуждается в любви и понимании. Он обладает даром красноречия и прекрасно развитой интуицией. Не отличается активностью, но ему во всем сопутствует удача. Часто обращается за помощью к друзьям, но и сам стремится при возможности помочь им.

[b]9. Связь с вами[/b]

[b]10. Реклама[/b]

[b]11. Пробный пост.[/b]
[i]Тема: [/i]
В вашу первую охоту бесцеремонно вмешивается другой львенок, старше и сильнее, отбирает добычу. Ваша реакция.



1. Имя

2. Возраст
7 месяцев

3. Вид

4. Альянс

7. Внешность

8. Характер
Нелна умеет владеть своими чувствами, и в любой ситуации она не расстается с улыбкой. Настоящих друзей у нее немного. Ей удается долго сохранить как психическое, так и физическое здоровье. Нел мало кого впускает в свой внутренний мир. Нелна вырастает доброй и сердечной, но доброта ее не безгранична, она достаточно умна, чтобы не позволить эксплуатировать свое мягкосердечие. Она ревнива, но, стыдясь этой своей слабости, страдая в душе, пытается играть роль кошки, которая предоставляет полную свободу своему партнеру. Она дипломатична, не любит действовать в лоб, предпочитая обходные пути. С раннего детства она интуитивно чувствует душевные проблемы, всегда готова помочь и посочувствовать. Ее нельзя назвать красивой, но в ней много обаяния. При этом в ней уживаются внешняя беззащитность и внутренний стержень, благодаря которому она никогда не попадет под чужое влияние. Авторитетов для нее не существует. На протяжении всей жизни Нел остается при своем мнении, она никогда не идет на прямые конфликты, старательно обходя их, будучи всегда готова изобразить недомогание.
Не выносит одиночества, подвержена частой смене настроения. Если какая-либо информация ей неприятна, она просто пропускает ее мимо ушей. В отношениях с самцами полностью чувствам никогда не отдается. Очень аккуратно и внимательно выбирает достойного себя партнера.

9. Связь с вами

10. Реклама

11. Пробный пост.
Первые уроки слежки за добычей.

[b]1. Имя[/b]

[b]2. Возраст[/b]
7 месяцев

[b]3. Вид[/b]

[b]4. Альянс[/b]

[b]7. Внешность[/b]

[b]8. Характер[/b]
Нелна умеет владеть своими чувствами, и в любой ситуации она не расстается с улыбкой. Настоящих друзей у нее немного. Ей удается долго сохранить как психическое, так и физическое здоровье. Нел мало кого впускает в свой внутренний мир. Нелна вырастает доброй и сердечной, но доброта ее не безгранична, она достаточно умна, чтобы не позволить эксплуатировать свое мягкосердечие. Она ревнива, но, стыдясь этой своей слабости, страдая в душе, пытается играть роль кошки, которая предоставляет полную свободу своему партнеру. Она дипломатична, не любит действовать в лоб, предпочитая обходные пути. С раннего детства она интуитивно чувствует душевные проблемы, всегда готова помочь и посочувствовать. Ее нельзя назвать красивой, но в ней много обаяния. При этом в ней уживаются внешняя беззащитность и внутренний стержень, благодаря которому она никогда не попадет под чужое влияние. Авторитетов для нее не существует. На протяжении всей жизни Нел остается при своем мнении, она никогда не идет на прямые конфликты, старательно обходя их, будучи всегда готова изобразить недомогание.
Не выносит одиночества, подвержена частой смене настроения. Если какая-либо информация ей неприятна, она просто пропускает ее мимо ушей. В отношениях с самцами полностью чувствам никогда не отдается. Очень аккуратно и внимательно выбирает достойного себя партнера. 

[b]9. Связь с вами[/b]

[b]10. Реклама[/b]

[b]11. Пробный пост.[/b]
[i]Тема: [/i]
Первые уроки слежки за добычей.










How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine


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